The Picos De Europa in Northern Spain is something of a forgotten jewel in the crown of Spanish rock climbing. Whilst not a winter sun destination it does offer great climbing in both the spring, autumn and through the summer if you head up high into the mountains or for the shade.
Our Picos de Europa climbing holidays are based out of the amazing town of Potes. This picturesque town captures something of the medieval atmosphere due to the narrow streets and historic momuments. It has a pleasant atmosphere and friendly feel and is a stones throw away from the Hermida Gorge which has a handful of great sport climbing venues as well as even better high alpine style rock routes.
Beyond the Gorge are several amazing places that capture a more adventurous side to climbing than you would expect from Spainish rock climbing. With limestone cliffs of Fuente Du, Pena Cigal and Naranga Del Bulnes. It is on Naranaga Del Bulnes that we often make our dramatic finale to the rock climbing courses due to the most amazing Hard Severe on its South Face.
What all this means is that we offer a great week or two away from the UK with almost guaranteed sun and great rest day activities like short and technical via feratta, sea side climbing and even some great beaches to learn to surf or simple sunbathe.
Experience Required
Some previous outdoor climbing experience is a benefit but not essential. We do expect that everybody will have lead a route indoor at the very least. The main thing is we can aim the course at your needs, whether that be multi pitch trad climbing or single pitch sport.
Typical Day
A day out in Picos De Europa will typically involve getting up having breakfast in the sun and then heading out to a crag for the day. Whilst some of the early days on the courses are more group coaching and sometimes a 1 to 4 ratio. By day three the days will be tailored to your specific needs and out coaches will hand pick the routes and crags specific for you.
Airport Details
We aim to pick you up from Bilbao Airport on the first morning of the holiday and drop you off in the afternoon/evening of the last day. Please inform us of you flight details so we can add those details to the booking form.
Picos De Europa | August 25, 2019 | to | August 31, 2019 | £850 | 4 places | Processing ... |
Photos from Picos De Europa Courses
A team following up the amazing 12 pitch Hermida Pillar, Picos De Europa. |
Climbing near Agero in the Picos De Europa |
It not all climbing, climbing, climbing…. we do stop occasionally. |
More climbing on the Apron below Cueto Agero in Picos. |
The Stunning Cerro Agero. |
A climber dwarf by the size of the wall, the orange dot on the bottom right. Near Agero in picos De Europa. |
A rock coloured climber climbs up Espolon For on Cueto Agero. |
Hanging out sport climbing. |
Having out at the top of the Los Lanos Via Ferrrata. |
A quick demi after a days climbing. |